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A new version of MODIStsp (1.4.0) is on CRAN as of today !

This version:

  • Switches to use of GDAL3/PROJ6 WKTs for projection representation, using sf::gdal_utils to perform gdalwarp/gdaltranslate instead of gdalUtils on external GDAL;

  • Switches to use of sf for all internal work on vector data;

  • Removes sp, rgdal, rgeos, pacman, gdalUtils dependencies;

  • Adds support for products MCD19A1 and MCD19A2 products.


A new version of MODIStsp (1.3.9) is on CRAN as of today !

This version:


A new version of MODIStsp (1.3.8) is on CRAN as of today ! The new version fixes a nasty issue introduced by changes in gdal_buildvrt behaviour in GDAL > 2.3, ( which caused problems in proper application of scales and offset on MODIS layers - see If you are experiencing problems with MODIStsp and you have GDAL > 2.3 on your system, you are strongly encouraged to update the package!


We are sorry to report that we recently discovered a nasty bug (or rather, a stupid mistake…) in the MODIStsp package. The bug led to improper computation of custom spectral indices in the case that their formula included addition or subtraction operations on reflectance values (e.g., something like (ρNIR+0.1)ρRed, with ρ indicating a reflectance). What is affected Values of the following Additional Spectral Indices selectable using the MODIStsp GUI:


Selected Publications

(2018). Analysing spatial–temporal changes in rice cultivation practices in the Senegal River Valley using MODIS time-series and the PhenoRice algorithm. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, (75), pp. 15-28,

(2017). Downstream Services for Rice Crop Monitoring in Europe: From Regional to Local Scale. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, (10), 12, pp. 5423-5441,

(2017). PhenoRice: A method for automatic extraction of spatio-temporal information on rice crops using satellite data time series. Remote Sensing of Environment, (194), pp. 347-365,

Recent Publications

More Publications

. sen2r: An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing Sentinel-2 satellite data. Computers & Geosciences, (139), 104473,, 2020.

. A new spatial modeling and interpolation approach for high-resolution temperature maps combining reanalysis data and ground measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, (276), 107590,, 2019.

. A Critical Comparison of Remote Sensing Leaf Area Index Estimates over Rice-Cultivated Areas: From Sentinel-2 and Landsat-7/8 to MODIS, GEOV1 and EUMETSAT Polar System. Remote Sensing, (10), 5,, 2018.

. A high-resolution, integrated system for rice yield forecasting at district level. Remote Sensing, (10), 5,, 2018.

. Analysing spatial–temporal changes in rice cultivation practices in the Senegal River Valley using MODIS time-series and the PhenoRice algorithm. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, (75), pp. 15-28,, 2018.



An R package for automatic download and preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Time Series


sprawl - Spatial Processing (in) R: Amorphous Wrappers Library