The problem
I am in the process of migrating my (rather ugly) small blog from “Bloggers” to blogdown and, as several others, I choose to use the hugo-academic theme due to its good looks, simplicity, and “focus” towards researchers.
One nice feature of hugo-academic
is that it includes out-of-the-box a “Publications”
section, allowing researchers to easily create a list of their publication as a
section of the website.
Unfortunately, in order to populate that list, users have to manually create one
different .md
file for each publication, by cutting and pasting several different
info (e.g., title, authors, etc.) in a “simple”" template like this one.
Since I was not in the mood of doing that, and no automatic solutions could be
found (well, there appears to be a python
one, but we are speaking R
, here…), I
decided to try and develop some script to automatically create the required md
files starting from a BibTex
list of my publications. Here are the results of
that effort.
A possible solution
Preparing the BibTex
To automatically create the publications md
files, all you need is a (properly formatted)
file. Since I did not have one ready, I created mine by exporting my
publications list from Scopus, but you
could use any valid BibTeX file.
One important thing, though, is that you have to be sure that the file is saved
with UTF-8 encoding. If you are not sure, you can open it in RStudio (or any decent
text editor), and then re-save it with a forced encoding (in RStudio, you can use
File-->Save with Encoding
Creating an import script
Now, you need a script that reads the BibTex
entries and use the data to populate
one different md
file for each publication. Below you can find my attempt at this.
bibtex_2academic <- function(bibfile,
abstract = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE) {
# Import the bibtex file and convert to data.frame
mypubs <- ReadBib(bibfile, check = "warn", .Encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
# assign "categories" to the different types of publications
mypubs <- mypubs %>%
pubtype = dplyr::case_when(document_type == "Article" ~ "2",
document_type == "Article in Press" ~ "2",
document_type == "InProceedings" ~ "1",
document_type == "Proceedings" ~ "1",
document_type == "Conference" ~ "1",
document_type == "Conference Paper" ~ "1",
document_type == "MastersThesis" ~ "3",
document_type == "PhdThesis" ~ "3",
document_type == "Manual" ~ "4",
document_type == "TechReport" ~ "4",
document_type == "Book" ~ "5",
document_type == "InCollection" ~ "6",
document_type == "InBook" ~ "6",
document_type == "Misc" ~ "0",
TRUE ~ "0"))
# create a function which populates the md template based on the info
# about a publication
create_md <- function(x) {
# define a date and create filename by appending date and start of title
if (![["year"]])) {
x[["date"]] <- paste0(x[["year"]], "-01-01")
} else {
x[["date"]] <- "2999-01-01"
filename <- paste(x[["date"]], x[["title"]] %>%
str_replace_all(fixed(" "), "_") %>%
str_remove_all(fixed(":")) %>%
str_sub(1, 20) %>%
paste0(".md"), sep = "_")
# start writing
if (!file.exists(file.path(outfold, filename)) | overwrite) {
fileConn <- file.path(outfold, filename)
write("+++", fileConn)
# Title and date
write(paste0("title = \"", x[["title"]], "\""), fileConn, append = T)
write(paste0("date = \"", anydate(x[["date"]]), "\""), fileConn, append = T)
# Authors. Comma separated list, e.g. `["Bob Smith", "David Jones"]`.
auth_hugo <- str_replace_all(x["author"], " and ", "\", \"")
auth_hugo <- stringi::stri_trans_general(auth_hugo, "latin-ascii")
write(paste0("authors = [\"", auth_hugo,"\"]"), fileConn, append = T)
# Publication type. Legend:
# 0 = Uncategorized, 1 = Conference paper, 2 = Journal article
# 3 = Manuscript, 4 = Report, 5 = Book, 6 = Book section
write(paste0("publication_types = [\"", x[["pubtype"]],"\"]"),
fileConn, append = T)
# Publication details: journal, volume, issue, page numbers and doi link
publication <- x[["journal"]]
if (![["volume"]])) publication <- paste0(publication,
", (", x[["volume"]], ")")
if (![["number"]])) publication <- paste0(publication,
", ", x[["number"]])
if (![["pages"]])) publication <- paste0(publication,
", _pp. ", x[["pages"]], "_")
if (![["doi"]])) publication <- paste0(publication,
", ", paste0("",
write(paste0("publication = \"", publication,"\""), fileConn, append = T)
write(paste0("publication_short = \"", publication,"\""),fileConn, append = T)
# Abstract and optional shortened version.
if (abstract) {
write(paste0("abstract = \"", x[["abstract"]],"\""), fileConn, append = T)
} else {
write("abstract = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write(paste0("abstract_short = \"","\""), fileConn, append = T)
# other possible fields are kept empty. They can be customized later by
# editing the created md
write("image_preview = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("selected = false", fileConn, append = T)
write("projects = []", fileConn, append = T)
write("tags = []", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_pdf = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_preprint = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_code = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_dataset = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_project = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_slides = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_video = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_poster = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("url_source = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
#other stuff
write("math = true", fileConn, append = T)
write("highlight = true", fileConn, append = T)
# Featured image
write("[header]", fileConn, append = T)
write("image = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("caption = \"\"", fileConn, append = T)
write("+++", fileConn, append = T)
# apply the "create_md" function over the publications list to generate
# the different "md" files.
apply(mypubs, FUN = function(x) create_md(x), MARGIN = 1)
Nothing fancy, here: I just use the RefManageR
package to read the BibTeX file, and then cycle over publications to create
files properly formatted for hugo-academic
Running the script
All is left is to run the script:
my_bibfile <- "/path/to/mybibtex.bib"
out_fold <- "/path/to/myoutfolder"
bibtex_2academic(bibffile = my_bibfile,
outfold = out_fold,
abstract = FALSE)
argument allows specifying where the generatedmd
files will be saved. Though in the end they will have to be moved to foldercontent/publication
you may want to save them at first in a different folder to be able to check them before trying to deploy.The
argument specifies whether to include the abstract in themd
or not.
Running the script will give you files like this one:
title = "Estimating canopy water content of poplar plantation from MIVIS data"
date = "2006-01-01"
authors = ["R. Colombo", "L. Busetto", "A. Marchesi", "M. Meroni", "C. Giardino"]
publication_types = ["1"]
publication = "AIP Conference Proceedings, (852), _pp. 242-249_,"
publication_short = ""
abstract_short = ""
image_preview = ""
selected = false
projects = []
tags = []
url_pdf = ""
url_preprint = ""
url_code = ""
url_dataset = ""
url_project = ""
url_slides = ""
url_video = ""
url_poster = ""
url_source = ""
math = false
highlight = true
image = ""
caption = ""
, where I tweaked a bit the hugo-academic format to include bibliographic info such as volume, number, pages and doi link. The files can then be further customized to include, for example, links to pdfs, images, etcetera.
After moving all the md
files to content/publication
, the publications section
of your hugo-academic
site will be auto-populated, and should look more or less
like this:
You can have a look at the final results on my (under construction) website here. I think it’s quite nice!
Final Notes
My importing script is quite “quick and dirty”. It does not attempt to deal with special characters, and even substitutes accented letters with “bare” letters to avoid rendering problems. If someone more knowledgeable about encoding issues wants to try and improve it, I put it in this gist
It may happen that your site will stop rendering when you put the new
files incontent/publication
. If so, the reason is probably that you have some “strange” formatting in some of the files. Usual suspects would be unproperly recognized accents, math formulas or other special characters in the authors and abstract fields. You will have to look into each file and remove any offending areas. (It happened to me a lot before properly saving to UTF-8)